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Eco-tourism Resort, Mozambique

Project Details

£100,000 to £249,999


Kilburn Nightingale Architects

26 Harrison Street , LONDON , WC1H 8JW

The Guludo eco-resort is located within the newly established Quirimbas National Park. The project aims to bring together high class tourist facilities and ecological concerns. Undertaken in consultation with the local community, a portion of the profits will be ploughed back into the village and district. The resort is arranged as a series of small-scale buildings strung out along a path in the manner of a traditional village. A central 'hub' consists of the main public buildings sited around an open courtyard, with a covered dining area overlooking the sea. Guests are accommodated in independent bandas arranged north and south of the 'hub' facing directly onto the beach. The buildings are built using largely local techniques and developed and adapted as necessary to suit the requirements of the individual buildings. A key element of the design is the use of sustainable energy sources - solar power and heating, methane gas production, compost toilets. The buildings are also designed to maximise natural ventilation and shading. The standard of design, construction, and ecological and developmental responsibility of Guludo eco-resort is of the highest quality. The resort is intended to be be a model for future developments.