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Housing Development

Newark and Sherwood

Project Details

£2m to £2.99M

Within a Conservation Area


JWA Architects Ltd

First Floor, Old Town Hall , Church Street , MARKET HARBOROUGH , Leicestershire , LE16 7AA

The site lies within Southwell’s main conservation area which comprises the walled ecclesiastical building Southwell Minster, two scheduled ancient monuments and a medieval deer park, which adjoins the site. The ultimate goal of the project was to provide a sustainable development with a wide range of house types relevant to the needs of the local community. Quite rightly, the scheme has been the subject of extensive consideration, consultation and regard to national policies and the particular characteristics of such an historically important site. The design of the scheme reflects a mutual desire to achieve a high quality development that will enhance the character of the conservation area and respect the setting of the adjacent listed buildings. Using natural materials, carefully considered proportions and the highest standards of architectural design, we firmly believe that this development provides an opportunity to contribute to the organic growth of this core area of Southwell.