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Affordable, Hounslow


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

New Build


Jefferson Sheard Architects

Unit 9, The Forum , Minerva Business Park , Lynch Wood , PETERBOROUGH , Cambridgeshire , PE2 6FT

Jefferson Sheard was commissioned upon a development of 67 affordable homes on the former Dewhurst factory site on Inverness Road, Hounslow. Two main hurdles needed to be negotiated in order to provide a good design solution. Firstly, approximately 40 of the homes were located in two 4 storey blocks of flats which were to be constructed in timber frame. This involved ensuring that construction detailing adequately accommodated settlement of the timber frame which could be as much as 40mm at fourth floor level. Secondly, the site is located immediately under the flightpath to London Heathrow airport and planning conditions indicated that high levels of sound reduction would be required for all flats and houses. Close liaison with an acoustic consultant, window supplier and the timber frame supplier ensured that intrusive sound from planes overhead was kept to acceptable levels.