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Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls Project Excelsior

Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

New Build


Initiatives In Design Ltd trading as IID Architects

Richmond Place , 15 Petersham Road , Richmond , TW10 6TP

Having worked with HASG for over 20 years, IID have an excellent track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. The close and attentive service we provide has seen a number of repeat commissions including an Art and Music block, Junior School block, Lecture theatre and a Swimming pool. This development replaces the existing kitchen and dining provision, but also provides a new Junior performance hall, 6th form mezzanine café, function room and general teaching spaces, together with courtyard improvements and roof top terraces. The Excelsior building draws inspiration from the brick aesthetic used in IID's 1994 Art and Music Building, with dramatic brick fins providing ventilation to the main dining hall space.