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Emergency Management Centre 112

Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

New Build



Unit 17g,The Leather Market , 106a Weston Street , LONDON , SE1 3QB

"112 Reus Centre" is a new type of operational building. It brings together all the bodies and agencies involved in emergency management to provide an effective and co-ordinated response. The complex is inserted as an architectural landmark into an area dominated by industrial and tourism buildings. The insertion into the long and narrow plot with a steep slope is resolved with a stepped design. The elements that comprise the complex follows this "slope" : the heliport, the car park, the building, and the telecommunications tower. The building is configured using a clear stratification of the different key uses across three horizontal levels (base, operational floor and call-centre) These are linked by four vertical circulation cores that facilitate the flow of users (employees, visitors, maintenance staff, and the authorities).