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Western General Hospital - Linac + Admin Building


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

New Build


HLM Architects

2nd Floor , Ailsa Court , 121 West Regent Street , Glasgow , G2 2SD

The new 1,800m2 Linear Accelerator (Linac) Treatment Facility for NHS Lothian houses radiation-shielded bunkers, a cancer assessment unit and oncology administration offices. The project has been delivered within a live hospital environment, and physically links to the existing radiotherapy department, to enable inpatients to be transferred between areas. The specialist design has ensured the project could be delivered without disruption to any of NHS Lothian’s clinical services on the site, retaining ambulance access to the adjacent departments and buildings. This was achieved through close liaison with key stakeholders to ensure the works were properly planned and phased to integrate with infrastructure works and other building works that were being run concurrently.