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Restoration of Riddel Hall as the William J Clinton Leadership Inst.


Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

Within a Conservation Area, Listed Building - Grade II, New Build


Hamilton Architects

Hamilton House , 3 Joy Street , Belfast , County Antrim , BT2 8LE , United Kingdom

This project comprised the provision of architectural design services to refurbish the Grade B1 Listed Riddel Hall, in the Stranmillis Conservation Area, and the design and integration of new buildings within the historic setting of this listed building, in accordance with good conservation principles and practice. Riddel Hall has been sensitively conserved and provides world class, state of the art facilities for the School of Management and Executive Education Centre at Queen’s University Belfast. Due to the listed status of the building and the mature urban landscape setting the design had to be sensitive to the architecture of Riddel Hall but also have its own character and strength. High quality materials were used, immaculately crafted to reflect the existing craftsmanship of Riddel Hall. The buildings are sited into the existing topography, creating subservience to the existing building. Both the new build proposals and the listed building proposals required extreme negotiations with NIEA architects. "The University is very pleased with the sensitive restoration of Riddel Hall and the design of the two new buildings, which complement the listed premises and its historic setting. This juxtaposition of the new with the old has been very successful. The brief for Riddel Hall was to conserve its significant architectural and historical value, by keeping intervention to a minimum, while creating a building that met operational need and was environmentally sustainable going into the future. Hamilton Architects are to be congratulated in meeting this very challenging brief." Jacqueline Kearns, QUB