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Redwell Road


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M



suite 1b , Pillar and Lucy House , Merchants Road , GLOUCESTER , Gloucester , GL2 5RG , United Kingdom

We undertook this development in partnership with the Riviera Housing Trust which includes two sites in Redwell Road, Paignton, comprising of 23 one-and two-bedroom flats, and eight houses with a mix of two, three and four bedrooms. 16 post-war homes, which were beyond viable economic repair, were demolished to make way for the new development. The layout of the two sites maximised the development potential and provides modern, quality housing, which respects the existing environment and residential area. The homes have been designed to provide a community feel, and feature brick banding and weatherboarding to break up the brick façades. The project was funded by the Housing Community Agency and was completed on time and within budget through a partnering contract. The project, which achieved the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, used timber frame construction throughout. The site-specific design followed extensive consultation with the Local Authority, residents, tenant forums, Secured by Design and the delivery team, resulting in a modern interpretation of the local vernacular, promoting ownership through design.