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All Saint's Primary School


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

New Build


Grayling Thomas Architects

7200, The Quorum , Oxford Business Park North , Garsington Road , Oxford , Oxfordshire , OX4 2JZ

The new school has been designed with internal and external spaces flowing together, enabling innovative teaching methods to be used throughout the year. Each classroom block is linked to an external courtyard at ground floor level and an external terrace at first floor level. These spaces are heavily landscaped and have a multitude of uses including outdoor teaching, nature study, contemplative study spaces, outdoor play and practical reas. These ‘green’ spaces link through to the main body of the school which form a glazed ‘street’ with has a variety of innovative study areas and library spaces that also have access to the outdoors. The project was won at competition against 5 other practices. The design was split into 3 Phases – Enabling works and MUGA, School Hall as 2 temporary classrooms, New 420 Place Primary School. The existing school building, accommodating 210 pupils remained in use for the whole construction period, within 2 metres of the new buildings. All new buildings were occupied in September 2013 and the remaining external works are complete. Internal finishes are robust and floor and ceiling soffits exposed. Natural ventilation is provided throughout.