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Blair Castle Caravan Park


Project Details

Sited in AONB


Gray MacPherson Architects

106/7 Biggar Road , Edinburgh , EH10 7DU , United Kingdom

This project was commissioned by Atholl Estates. The brief was to erect a building to replace the existing caravan park reception and bring together various functions around the caravan park, including reception, games room, internet gallery, shop, laundry, staff accommodation and extensive storage. The building had to be erected during the park's closed season which was barely six months. This influenced the design of the building. It is a steel framed structure consisting of a series of 18m span bifurcated arches with an aluminium curved roof. The roof and frame were devised to provide an extensive sheltered canopy under which the building could be constructed over the winter months. The budget was very tight and as a result relatively low cost materials were used to construct the building. The large roof overhangs permitted this type of construction to be used as the envelope of the building which is well protected. Although low budget, the overall effect creates a very striking building.