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Ecclesbourne Avenue

Amber Valley

Project Details

£100,000 to £249,999


Gray + Gray Architects Ltd

20 Southernhay West , Exeter , EX1 1PJ

The wholesale modernisation of this Victorian terrace property in Duffield, Derbyshire, from two flats into a family home. The project reconfigures the Victorian relationship between house and garden by demolishing the existing rear utility buildings and reorientating the ground floor towards the garden. Despite the house being over 50m in length this connection is enforced with the rear garden visible from the front steps with a series of open rooms moving in an enfilade from street to private garden. The interior design assumes a progressive transformation from the retention of traditional to the front of the property to contemporary in the rear kitchen extension and loft conversion. The detailing to the kitchen/dining aspires for the threshold between inside and outside to be minimised to the point it almost disappears