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Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

New Build, Listed Building - Grade II


Ferguson Mann Architects

6 King Street , Bristol , BS1 4EQ , United Kingdom

The revitalisation of the Grade II Listed former UK headquarters of Imperial Tobacco into 270 open-plan apartments. The existing Grade II Listed Imperial House has been fully refurbished, providing seven levels of apartments. A new linear building, clad in Cor-ten steel, is proposed perpendicular to Imperial House providing a further four levels of apartments over undercroft car parking. The grounds, including the lake, has been fully restored, creating a leisure realm, the design of which draws on the duality of the vegetated landscape and rigid building structure. This project has become a model for environmental sustainability, achieving Ecohomes ‘Excellent’ rating. Passive design measures include the creation of a central atirum which allows daylight deep into the building and aids ventilation of apartments by stack effect. On-site renewable energy production is via solar thermal roof shading pipes, ground source heating and cooling from a series of bore holes.