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Business School, University of Huddersfield


Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

New Build


Farrell & Clark LLP

3rd Floor, Brodrick's Building , 43-51 Cookridge Street , LEEDS , LS2 3AW , United Kingdom

This new development will be completed and ready for use by the start of the 2010/11 academic year. This development will ensure the University continues to maintain its position at the leading edge of business disciplines, such as accountancy, business, the legal professional, management and marketing. The design philosophy for the development springs from the need to consolidate the currently fragmented School on to one site and under one roof. The aim is to achieve a seamless transition between the existing 1974 Firth Street building and the new construction. The curved form of the new block links both ends of the existing building in order to improve circulation and will provide a strong identity both externally and internally with the formation of a central courtyard. With the use of state of the art technology and modern construction techniques it is intended that the building will achieve greatly reduced energy consumption. Natural materials, such as local stone and timber cladding panels, enhance the environmental credentials further. The same ethos of responsible sourcing extends to internal finishes. As much soft landscaping as possible has been incorporated externally to enhance the pleasant canalside location and improve communication with the more southerly area of the campus, while maintaining and enhancing the existing site ecology.