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Timber Lodge and Tumbling Bay Playground


Project Details

£1m to £1.99M


Erect Architecture Ltd

Unit 22/B, Regent Studios , 8 Andrews Road , London , E8 4QN

Timber Lodge: Our brief was to create a community hub and playground embedded in the landscape setting of the Olympic Park. We designed the landscape as a continuation of the park with its large scale buildings, powerful and fluid landforms, sweeps of planting and its focus on connectivity, fluidity of movement and ecology. The building contains a café, community space and public toilet provisions for the North Park. Landforms and planting conceal and reveal the building as visitors move through the park. Internal and external spaces relate to each other. The cantilevering roof planes frame views to adjacent Olympic venues. Tumbling Bay Playground: LUC's landscape vision masterplan explores the ecology theme by containing a series of character areas, which tell plant life-cycle stories – from pioneer birch and hazel woodlands through to climax pine forests and the developmental stages in between. Interweaved with this is the play layer, which uses these stories to inspire bespoke play and potential event opportunities within each space.