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Farringdon Urban Design Study


Project Details

£100,000 to £249,999


East Architecture, landscape, urban design Ltd

Unit 3.3 , First Floor , Bayford Street Industrial Estate , LONDON , E8 3SE , United Kingdom

Farringdon is a ‘fringe’ on the edges of three local authorities. A client project group comprising a range of Boroughs, TfL, and the GLA commissioned an urban design study aimed at focussing on the railway corridor/Farringdon Road and the new Crossrail station there, and helping guide the way in which the development of these spaces could be brought together, around proposals for expansion, and growth. Key constraints were the view corridor to St Pauls’ and the historic fabric of the city. It was the railway cutting that offered some of the most interesting opportunities for growth and connectivity. The study includes detailed guidance for the public realm as well as options for development. A key proposal was the widening of the bridge across the railway, to provide enhanced public space, and revealing the two sides of the railway to each other. The study, exhibited at the NLA was a key contributor to East BD masterplanning awards win in 2011.