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Kit Studio


Project Details

£20,000 to £49,999

Alteration to existing property


burgess architects

3 Piermont Green , East Dulwich , LONDON , SE22 0LP , United Kingdom

Burgess Architect won the prestigious annual competition run by the RIBAJ for Sterling USB proposing a family of light-weight flexible additions to existing properties, all built from a kit of parts. The submission focuses on the example of a university returner’s first base, set at the side of a typical 1930’s semi-detached house in the driveway gap between this and the neighbouring house. It has been estimated that there are up to half a million gaps like this in London alone. It provides a cheap, sustainable medium term solution for multi-generational adaptations to existing homes, with increased residential density making a significant contribution to the current housing supply crisis. Panel chair Jan-Carlos Kucharek commented: 'It seemed a delicate Chinese paper lamp, offering to shed light on how we might live in the future.' We have developed the proposal further in collaboration with an energy consultant and structural engineer in a match-funded round fo R & D and hope to start work on the first prototype in 2020