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Bradford Academy


Project Details

£10m to £49.99M

New Build


Bond Bryan Architects

Rockingham Court , 152 Rockingham Street , Sheffield , S1 4EB , United Kingdom

Bradfords first City Academy, the new 20 million Bradford Academy opened its doors to pupils on 10 September, has been designed around a forum where students can meet to socialise and to hold debates, as encouraged by the academys special focus on citizenship, enterprise and conflict resolution. It is believed to be the UKs first school with a forum specifically designed to encourage debate. The 10,000 square metre academy, for pupils aged 11-18, is co-sponsored by the charity Toc H and by Bradford Church of England Diocese and replaces Bradford Cathedral Community College. We have incorporated the 15 metre by 30 metre two-storey forum into the centre of the building. It features an ETFE roof, similar to that at The Eden Project, which is transparent, lightweight and recyclable. This space is located at the centre of the Academy and feeding directly off it is the atrium, assembly hall, drama studio, dance studio, LRC and citizenship area. The ICT areas feature large and small ICT classrooms directly off the main teaching area and individual drop-in ICT workstation around the perimeter of ICT classrooms. The courtyard also has a built-in performance space.