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Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre with Boeing and Rolls-Royce


Project Details

£5m to £9.99M

New Build


Bond Bryan Architects

Rockingham Court , 152 Rockingham Street , Sheffield , S1 4EB , United Kingdom

The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) brings industry and academia together under one roof in partnership with the University of Sheffield. Known as the Factory of the Future due to its leading edge design and sustainability features, the AMRC is destined to set new standards for manufacturing facilities worldwide. The 4,500 m2 building with 3,000 m2 of workshops and 1500 m2 of office space is home to the manufacturing research teams from various companies including Boeing and Rolls-Royce. A total of 1.5 million has been invested in renewable energy systems, ensuring the AMRC has achieved a BREEAM rating of excellent. It boasts some key technical features which will influence other advanced manufacturing sites, such as twin bladed wind turbines delivering 500kw of renewable power and ground source heat pumps to heat and cool the facility. Twenty ground source heat loops penetrate 100 m into the soil providing free and sustainable energy throughout the year. The AMRC has ETFE roof lights, a naturally ventilated system using windows and Passivents and 98% of the floor space is lit by controlled natural light. Kalwall was used to improve thermal performance whilst filtering light, to ensure an optimum working environment both for machinery and researchers.