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Loughton Surgery, GP

Epping Forest

Project Details

£0.5m to £0.99M

Alteration to existing property, Brownfield site


Agenda 21 Architects Studio Ltd

Sebastian House , 2-4 Sebastian Street , LONDON , EC1V 0HE , United Kingdom

A former purpose built GP surgery has been extended to increase the capcity of the services to the community. we added a full new floor whilst retainig the vernacular chahracter and minimising the overshadowing to the neighbouring residentail property. the challenge was to build on a tigh site whilst maintaing he surgery operational throughoput the construction period. The project was completed in 2017. In early 2023, we gained planning permission for a more extensive extension, adding a third floor and a remodelling of the facades. Completion is anticipated in 2025.